3rd Annual Rapid City Golf Tournament

The Rapid City offices of O'Connor Company, G&R Controls and Balancing Professionals hosted another successful golf tournament. Thanks to employees, manufacturers and customers for all of their efforts and generosity in donating prizes and sponsorships!
This year’s event was held on September 23, 2024 at the Arrowhead Golf Club in Rapid City, SD. The day was enjoyed by 59 golfers and many appreciated helpers on the golf course.
Again this year, we held numerous contests with payouts going to winners and the charity of choice, Children's Home Society.
CONGRATULATIONS to Georg Olson from Tessier's, this year’s putting contest winner and Eric Pena from Tessier's, this year's chipping contest winner!
The event raised $1,416 for Children’s Home Society with the company match and some other generous donations from staff and customers the grand total for charity was $10,332!

1st Place Team:
- Parker Larsen - Sheet Metal Specialties
- Erick Berdahl - Sheet Metal Specialties
- Steve Vernon - O'Connor Company

2nd Place Team:
- Garret Boylan - Wolff's Plumbling
- Georg Olson - Tessier's
- Michael Heeney - O'Connor Company
- Jesse Horst - Winnsupply

3rd Place Team:
- Zack Koehn - O'Connor Company
- Ethan Jeffers - Schwank
- John Huntley - Skyline
- Jared Reimer - Tessier's